What type of diet is best for fibromyalgia


In the past, doctors used to close the subject by saying that the cause of the diseases they did not know was psychological. Well, is this true?

This mysterious disease ranks first in the list of undiagnosed diseases.

If you have unexplained pain in your back, hand or neck. If you have visited all the doctors and still no cause of the pain, you may have fibromyalgia.

What type of diet is best for fibromyalgia?

The foods you eat can have a huge impact on how you feel, and this affects different health conditions in particular.

For example, there are many heart-healthy diets or guidelines for the best foods to manage type 2 diabetes.

Your fibromyalgia diet and diet in the treatment of fibromyalgia generally provide a healthy holistic benefit.

We can recommend you the Abrahamson method for gaining healthy eating habits. The Abrahamson method allows you to gain natural and healthy eating habits by ending your craving for sugar.
How should fibromyalgia patients be fed?

what type of diet is best for fibromyalgia

We have prepared the diet for fibromyalgia for you.

At the University of Washington, which has been doing research on this subject for a long time, Dr. Let’s start with Holton’s words.

“No drug on the market is as important to optimal health as a balanced and healthy diet”

“While many people like to call nutrition ‘alternative medicine’, it is actually the foundation of all human health. We cannot be optimally healthy without giving our body the nutrients it needs, and that applies to anyone with fibromyalgia.”

How should a fibromyalgia patient be fed, 10 easy nutritional recommendations for Fibromyalgia

1- Avoid Artificial Sweeteners and Do Not Consume Chemical Sugar

For the nutrition of fibromyalgia patients, avoid chemical sugar, use natural sugar or honey little by little to sweeten food.

As you reduce Chemical Sugar, your energy will increase, your blood values will improve, and you will taste sweetness in foods more easily.
For general health, avoid high fructose corn syrup and the chemical sugar called by different names. When you’re tired of fibromyalgia, don’t choose sugar or corn syrup alternatives to boost energy. Useless. High sugar intake increases the risk of weight gain, diabetes and many diseases, including heart disease and cancer.

2- Prefer Vitamin D and sea fish

Vitamin D supplementation may reduce pain in people with fibromyalgia who are deficient in this nutrient.

You can get vitamin D naturally from swordfish, tuna, salmon, and eggs, and some foods, such as orange juice and milk, are fortified with vitamin D. Vitamin D can also be taken as a supplement or in cod liver oil. It provides both vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids.

Sunbathing increases your body’s vitamin D level. That’s why Turkey, which has 4 seasons, is a very enjoyable option.

3- Avoid Foods Containing Added Glutamate

Glutamate is a neurotransmitter that occurs naturally in the body and in some foods, but is also added to foods as a flavor enhancer.

The most common form of dietary glutamate is monosodium glutamate, which must be listed on the label when included in foods.

Ingredients containing the terms “hydrolyzed”, “autolyzed”, “protein concentrate” or “protein isolate” are also likely to contain naturally occurring monosodium glutamate.

4- Prefer Natural Foods Instead of Processed Foods

Nutrition in Fibromyalgia Avoid processed foods and choose more whole foods.

Processed foods typically contain more additives and less fiber and nutrients than unprocessed foods. Chemicals containing many preservatives can be found in them. Refined carbohydrates such as white flour, white pasta, and white rice are examples of processed foods that have been stripped of naturally occurring nutrients.

When choosing carbohydrate-containing foods for your meals, avoid harmful carbohydrates and choose quinoa, amaranth, buckwheat fruits.

5- Avoid Processed Meat, Prefer unprocessed meat products

When purchasing meat, avoid processed products with added salt or preservatives, or cured or smoked meats. This list includes canned meat, sausage, hot dog, sausage, salami, cured meat groups. Chemical additives used to balance bacteria in processed meats can exacerbate your fibromyalgia.

During fibromyalgia nutritional treatment, attention should also be paid to meat products that have “natural flavor added” on the label. An example of such a product includes any food flavored with broth flavoring.

Natural flavors are derived from natural sources such as plants, meats and seafood. All unprocessed meat products can be consumed.

6- Gain the habit of Mediterranean type diet

The Mediterranean diet for fibromyalgia and nutrition is known to have health benefits, including lower blood pressure and cholesterol.

healthy fats
Green, red vegetables
Fibromyalgia is also rich in nutrition, Fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, nuts, seeds, legumes, and low-fat or nonfat dairy products.

7- Choose Dark, Leafy Greens, Nuts and Seeds for Magnesium

For fibromyalgia, Magnesium citrate supplementation may reduce fibromyalgia symptoms, according to a 2013 study that showed it was even more effective when paired with amitriptyline, a tricyclic antidepressant.

  • Magnesium,
  • legumes
  • Nuts
  • seeds
  • Avocado
  • Yogurt
  • Banana
  • Fish
  • Unsweetened dark chocolate
  • dark green leafy vegetables
  • It is found in many healthy foods, including

8- Read Labels on Packaged Foods

You probably see the phrase “glutamate” on the packages of the products for the fibromyalgia nutrition program. But you can see many additives that hide glutamate.

Don’t be fooled by the words “spices” or “sweeteners” because there is not yet a requirement to explain what these terms mean on a food label.

9- Add Fish, Flaxseed, and Chia for Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids can reduce oxidative stress levels as well as lower inflammation levels and boost immunity. Oxidative stress occurs when there are too many free radicals or unstable molecules in the body that damage cells. It plays a role in the development of many medical conditions.

  • Omega-3s are abundant in seafood, walnuts, chia seeds, and flaxseeds. It can also be taken as a supplement.
  • Salmon
  • Mackerel
  • Anchovy

However, omega-3 capsules are not recommended as they contain gelatin containing the amino acid aspartate. Aspartate can activate a glutamate receptor in nerve cells involved in fibromyalgia. Gelatin also contains glycine, which is a co-activator of this receptor.

10- Add Good Sources of Antioxidants to Your Meals

To cope with fibromyalgia, excitotoxins are known to have a negative effect on fibromyalgia. Since toxin-containing foods and negative totoxins also create oxidative stress, more antioxidants may be needed in the diet.

Foods that add color to your diet are recommended in the category of nutrition, fruits and vegetables in fibromyalgia disease. To give yourself an antioxidant boost, you can try to increase your consumption of items with bright red, green, orange, yellow and purple hues.


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