How to make salt fish

The salt fish method, which has a historical background, has been started to be used in many parts of the world in order to keep different products for a long time without spoiling. It is a method used in ancient times to preserve and eat food for a long time, when refrigerators or harmful chemical preservatives were not invented. It was known as the food of the poor in the Far East, as people with low income ate the fish they caught by salting them. The Turks used the salt process on meat, and after they settled in Anatolia, they learned how to make pickled fish in the coastal regions. Northern European countries have salted fish with different seafood. The history of pickled fish was applied with pleasure in the Roman Empire.

Fish cooked in salt can be stored for a long time and has a wonderful taste.

Nowadays, making raw fish in salt has become somewhat of a pleasure.


In which countries is fish in salt made?

🐟 Fish in salt, cooking fish with salt is done in countless countries. they all discovered this original method for the same reason.

Fish in salt is very popular in Far East countries, Mediterranean countries and Northern European countries are the first to use this method.

What fish is pickled fish made from?

Pickled fish can be made from whole fish. But the most popular are pickled fish we can count as follows.

What fish can be cooked in salt?

  • Sardine
  • Anchovy
  • Bonito
  • Danube
  • Mackerel

How to make salt fish ?

To make salt fish, you can follow the steps below:


  • Fresh fish (preferably cod, haddock, or another firm white fish)
  • Coarse salt


  1. Clean the fish and remove any scales or bones. Rinse the fish under cold water to remove any excess slime or impurities.
  2. In a large container or basin, create a layer of coarse salt. Place the fish on top of the salt layer.
  3. Generously cover the fish with another layer of coarse salt. Make sure the fish is completely covered with salt on all sides. The salt acts as a preservative and helps to draw out moisture from the fish.
  4. Cover the container and place it in the refrigerator. Allow the fish to cure in the salt for 24 to 48 hours, depending on the size and thickness of the fish. Thicker pieces may require a longer curing time.
  5. After the desired curing time has passed, remove the fish from the container and rinse it thoroughly under cold running water. Make sure to remove all the salt from the fish’s surface.
  6. At this point, you have salted fish. It can be used in various recipes, such as soups, stews, or simply pan-fried or grilled. Before using the salt fish in a recipe, soak it in water overnight or boil it in fresh water for about 10-15 minutes to remove excess saltiness. Change the water a few times during the soaking or boiling process to help reduce the saltiness further.

Note: Salt fish is naturally high in sodium due to the salting process. It is important to consume it in moderation, especially if you have high blood pressure or are on a low-sodium diet.

That’s it! You now have salt fish ready to be used in your favorite recipes. Enjoy!

Health effects of salt fish

Salt fish can be a part of a healthy diet when consumed in moderation. However, it’s important to consider a few factors:

  1. High Sodium Content: Salt fish is preserved in salt, which results in a high sodium content. Excessive sodium intake can contribute to high blood pressure and other health issues, particularly for individuals who are salt-sensitive or have certain medical conditions. Therefore, it’s crucial to consume salt fish in moderation and balance it with low-sodium meals and ingredients.
  2. Nutritional Benefits: Salt fish is a good source of protein, vitamins (such as vitamin D and B12), minerals (such as iodine and selenium), and omega-3 fatty acids. These nutrients can support various aspects of health, including muscle development, immune function, and heart health.
  3. Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Some salt fish varieties, such as salted mackerel or herring, can be particularly rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3s provide several health benefits, including reducing inflammation, supporting brain function, and promoting heart health.

To enjoy the benefits of salt fish while minimizing the potential drawbacks, consider the following tips:

  • Practice portion control: Consume salt fish in reasonable portions to manage your sodium intake.
  • Soak or boil: Soak the salt fish overnight or boil it in fresh water for about 10-15 minutes before using it in recipes. This process helps to remove excess salt and reduce the overall sodium content.
  • Pair with low-sodium ingredients: When using salt fish in recipes, combine it with fresh vegetables, whole grains, and other low-sodium ingredients to create balanced and nutritious meals.
  • Consider health conditions: If you have high blood pressure or other health conditions that require a low-sodium diet, it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional regarding your salt fish consumption.

As with any food, moderation and balance are key. Incorporate salt fish into a well-rounded diet that includes a variety of healthy ingredients to maintain a balanced and nutritious eating pattern.

Making pickled fish and
How to make salt fish in 10 steps ?

🐟 Yes, the expected question; How to cook fish in salt?

🦈 Making pickled fish; how to make fish brine

  1. The fish is thoroughly cleaned.
  2. The blood of the fish should come out well. For large fish, it can be cleaned by placing thin stick for the middle bone.
  3. To thoroughly remove the blood of the fish and to prevent spawning. It is kept in ice water.
  4. The cleaned fish is taken out of the ice and dried by wiping with a cloth.
  5. The floor of a box (I prefer to make it at home in boron glass) is plastered with rock salt.
  6. The fish are placed in the salt box according to their size and type.
  7. It is covered with salt.
  8. Small fish are placed in layers with salt between them.
  9. Salted fish is checked daily. If the fish has released water, the water is drained. Fresh salt can be added as needed
  10. The cooking time of fish in salt varies. Most fish are cooked in an average of 10 days. You can cook in salt for a longer or shorter time depending on your taste.

Which fish can be salted ?

  • Weedy
  • Pickled tunny
  • Pickled anchovies
  • Anchovy in brine with sauce
  • pickled sardines

How to make pickled anchovies ?

By following the 10 items mentioned above, you can easily pickle sardines at home.

How to eat pickled fish?

🧿 Especially in Turkey and many Mediterranean countries, pickled fish is eaten in this way.

Small fish made with brine, after being cleaned from salt, are kept in vinegar for a while. Anchovies or pickled sardines, which are kept in vinegar for at least 1 day, obtain a delicious taste.

We recommend that all pickled fish, especially Laker, be eaten with red onions.

Lakerda is Turkish Salted Fish that you can find in all fish restaurants on season.

Turkish Salted fish made from Tuna fish


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